Commercial Blog

 Overall, for a first "real" project, this commercial project was remarkably issue-free. I'd worked with my partner once before, but it was on an assignment much smaller-scale than this one, and much easier. Even so, just by working together we had a synergy of sorts and have expectations as to each other's performance. Personally, after our commercial has been finished and polished, I would say that, while I'm happy enough with the final product, I do think it could still be improved. The timing and working of some shots was sloppy, but that's a small consequence. Overall I think it turned out quite good- not perfect, but good. I learned a lot about the basics of how to properly make a piece of film from this project, as I've had no previous experience with any kind of production work. This project was something of an experimental phase, to get my bearings and understand what was expected and how to produce it. 


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