Group Blog for Music Video
For the Music Video Project, I'm going to be partnering up with the same person I worked with on the Commercial Project, Jack Strien. Jack and I have already worked together on two larger-scale assignments (one of which was the Commercial) and several small ones and by now we fully know that we have a mutually beneficial dynamic when it comes to the effort we each put in and energy we put out. He and I both are committed to putting in work to complete any form of assignment as soon and efficiently and effectively as possible. We also want to fairly split the work, which is good as it doesn't end up with one of us doing all the other work and the other slacking off and still getting a good grade. Overall he and I have a mutually beneficial approach to how we handle our assignments and projects, and we work well together. I also trust his work to be worthy of a good grade- I still don't trust the quality of the work which most of my classmates submit, and this can make group projects difficult if I'm always double checking and questioning their contributions. However, since I've worked with Jack before, I know that when he contributes to a final assignment his work is going to be very trustworthy and will earn good marks- one could say I trust his efficacy. It is also still a matter of convenience- I don't particularly enjoy having to socialize with new people and I get the sense that he doesn't either, so since we already know each other from our previous work together, it feels more natural. We've already begun discussing what roles we're each going to be partaking in for this project, and how our project is going to work, but haven't fully researched or planned anything out yet. We're definitely going to be going to the grindstone soon, though, and I imagine we'll have a plan ready to go fairly quickly.
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