We had split our project into two different groups of filming- bridge shot and railroad shots, which can be completed on different days. Today, my group filmed our bridge shots- scenes 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, and 12. We were using a bridge near one of our group member's houses, in a low-traveled suburban area. I was filming my partner, who is the actor for this project. The plan was just to use a phone camera rather than anything notably fancy. We were planning on going sequentially down the list of scenes to film and getting them done early, since both of us had engagements later today, but when we were planning to film, there was sudden rain and thunder which delayed our plans. We had to wait about 20 minutes, and then half an hour of going to the location we meant to film in. Once we were there, we reviewed our scenes and our options for filming them, then set it up. We went through our first two scenes, 4 and 6. For scene 4 I stood on the road and on a diagonal filmed the nec...