Music Video Blog
Where the first project my group did together was remarkably easy, this project was a slightly more daunting process. Most of this difficulty stemmed from the fact that the filming had to be done outside of school, meaning my group had to coordinate a time to meet. Overall, we could have met earlier before the project was due, which would have afforded us time to fix any mistakes or inconsistencies in our clips- and there were several. We did have to end up changing our vision from our original storyboard so we could accommodate for the times and places we were forced to film in. With the resources we had, though, I'm quite happy with what we turned out. Technically speaking, this project was much more complicated than our last one- our camerawork was a good deal more ambitious and our vision was far more cinematic and involved. What we learned this project was more conceptual than practical- we developed experience in film, but the real lesson was how to properly budget timeframes. For our next project, we'll be treating it with more caution and using our time to the fullest.
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