Filming Blog for Final Project: Forest Shots

Today, my group was aiming to complete the second half of our shots- the shots and scenes which would be taking place in the forest. To accurately portray the forest environment, we met up at Easterlin Park, which has heavily wooded areas perfect for what I had in mind. Today, I was to be playing a part in front of the camera and participating in the actual filming. We first began setting up some of the mis-en-scene which I had helped acquire at our last filming venture, and once everything was arrayed in a way that was satisfactory, we began filming. The filming proceeded less than optimally- these scenes were going to be the bulk of the film, and there was much more dialogue and many more actions to remember and perform on cue. Due to this increased level of complexity, each scene had to be reshot at least twice. For my part, I didn't perform exactly stellar, but my performance- and memory- was enough to be passable, to the point where I didn't feel I had to reshoot. Due to a plethora of issues, both with my fellow group members and environmental conditions (such as passerby interrupting the shot), though, the reshooting of scenes was necessary. Once everything had been captured in such a way that everyone in my group was happy or at the least satisfied with, we began reviewing to see if there were any conditions that required another reshooting, such as camera glare or stuttering in the final product. After this review, I identified five more scenes which had such issues, and participated in the reshooting of said scenes as it became necessary. After all the scenes had been finalized, we were actually running ahead of the time we had budgeted ourselves, so I suggested we review the final scenes and begin brainstorming the edits that would need to be performed. After some time of this review process, to which I helped contribute, our time was up, and so we went our own ways. 


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